Breaking Bread

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Breaking Bread

Breaking Bread (2018) is a documentation of performance where I study manipulation like a phenomenon. I focus on the diversity of performer responses to the same commands.

Two participants are divided by the wall in the center of the round table. Participants are physically and mentally alone, but aware of each other's presence. They follow identical commands through the headphones. From the beginning, they are led to the awareness of their own body, then the instructions escalate from motivation commands into absurd orders.

Unlimited possibilities of reading comprehension of commands are kind of parallel with the multiplicity of "breaking bread" meaning . "Breaking bread" involves sharing - sharing food, money, commodities, assets or other items with someone. It is an expression for demonstrating trust with an individual or group of people, derived from the original meaning: "Take and eat. This is my body." It symbolizes friendship and informality. When there is "time to break bread", we share our strengths, in the sense of revenge, or expect a resolute solution to the situation. You can also ask to share property, rob someone: "break bread bitch! empty your pockets!"...

Breaking Bread | CZ | 2018 | 9′ 5″

performers: Nela Britaňáková, Jan Pančocha

camera: Giullio Zannol, David Přílučík

lighting design: Isrohan Alvarez
