Video Installation was presented as part of the Observer’s Anamnesis exhibition at the Colloredo-Mansfeld Palace and part of the This Very Minute, Right Now, Today exhibition at AMU Gallery, both in Prague, Czech Republic in 2017.
sculpture: Denisa Svachova
dance film: Denisa Svachova, Anna Radeva
dancers: Lucie Dolezalova, Václav Kropacek
music: Julie Lupacova
light design: Isrohan Alvarez
Blueprint is a video installation combining dance film and a geometric metal sculpture, inspired by the old blueprint technology used for architectural floor plans.
For the dance film, I created austere, rectangular objects that the dancers were instructed to mirror. The movements gradually transformed, and through their actions, they not only responded to the sculptures but also, in turn, created new objects in the video. Dancers were given simple yet complex instructions to emphasize the limitations and imperfections of the human body.
In Blueprint, I explore boundaries between natural movement and dance, and the nuances of how we define them. What differentiates a dancing step from walking? Where does the natural gesture end and the pose begin? Does it all depend on perspective?